I started out with my usual "If you Want to Hear a Story" for both groups. We did animal songs. Since they are more used to me now they knew I would start off with that and they actually joined in with the main song, which was wonderful!
The best moment of the day was when I taught the pre-k group "soft kitty," the adorable lullaby from The Big Bang Theory and one of the teacher's smiles and calls out that she loves that song and show! No one ever thought to use it with kids, but the first time I heard it on BBT I knew I wanted to use it in my storytimes! I read both classes Kitten's First Full Moon by Kevin Henkes and then taught them the song. It was so cute hearing them sing it. They seemed to like it, too ;)
Other books we did were Here Comes the Big, Mean Dust Bunny by Jan Thomas after the success of her other book Is Everyone Ready for Fun? the previous storytime. They were laughing at this one a lot. Since the book is about rhymes, I first explained what a rhyme is in case some of them didn't know. I printed out a a document I made with a definition and some examples. I made the colors coordinate with the cover of the book. It turned out they were well versed in rhymes (no pun intended), especially from having been read The Cat in the Hat. They enjoyed calling out what the rhymes were before I read them in the book. 

We also read Dinosaurs Roar! by Paul and Henrietta Stickland, Eli, No! by Katie Kirk (great repetition in this book and hilarious pictures), and a new book we just got in the library called Chilly, Milly Moo by Fiona Ross. This is such an adorable book about a cow who can't make milk because she's too hot. Suddenly, after a storm, the air becomes cold, and while all the other cows are freezing their utters off, Milly is happy. When it's her turn to try and give milk--and save herself from being sent away--something else comes out: ice cream!! The surprise ending is so silly and cute that it had everyone laughing hysterically. We then talked about how much we love ice cream!
For songs in between the five books we did Popcorn Calling and There's a Wheel Turning in My Hearth, both my the ever popular artist Laurie Berkner. For the pre-k group, we also ended with We Are the Dinosaurs, because they insisted on hearing it. It is a very addicting song. I wonder if it's our library or every library that has kids begging for this song? I think they will all grow up being fascinated by Dinosaurs, which is great. And all from this one song! ;)
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